What does the Insiders actually do for business?
We’ve had an amazing month, with many members taking on new contracts and commisions, new websites and exhibitions. It’s been packed so Founder Mandie Holgate went live to share her infectious passion for all things small business (You can watch that here) and we added this to our social media, did you get a shout out?
We do our very best to shout about every member, so if you’ve good news, a big contract or anything you want us to help shout about, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We can also help you create the perfect PR, just head over to the Insiders to share what you are working on and the offers of training and advice will be there!
Okay, so let’s see if we’ve got this right…
Sharon Jenn from Timeless Furniture Art needed more business and gained commissions within weeks of joining The Insiders.
Sharon met James Kearney from Koala Digital at one of our events and they designed a new website for Sharon that has led to more commissions along with the advice and training from the Insiders. They both met Lydia Adams, from Belhus Property at our events and in our confidential mastermind group.
Koala are designing Lydia’s BIG Essex Property Show website and Sharon is exhibiting at that too. As is Louise Howlett from RA Brown Heating.
Meanwhile Tasha Lowrie from Dream Box Education met Alex Woolf a Wellness Consultant & Pain Expert at a SEND exhibition and messaged us to say “It’s so wonderful when you get to meet Insiders in the real world, they feel like friends already!”
Meanwhile Robyn Banks (Not the day job) from Advista delivered training for member Patsy Johnson from Fresh starts New Beginnings, now known as Brave Futures, an amazing charity, around data protection and privacy notices.
While Michelle Taylor the As seen on TV celebrant was training new celebrants to have amazing businesses, as Helen Tovey asked Insiders to help fill her last few places of her exclusive relaxing Me Day in Essex Paul Boorman from White Label Detroit Pizza, Helen Watson from Silver Street Clinic offered to help ensure it filled up.
While Paul and Amelia Smewing from Lady Mucks Pet Waste Management helped Mandie (Our Founder) create a new name for the chop slapping legendary writer fixer upper make your marketing, award writing, email campaigns, business plans magical product (we need to work on that name) and Amelia said “It was the business plan Mandie worked on that secured the opportunity with the council”
All while Claire Pavlou, The Molten Pixie cranked up the marketing machine thanks to one of those chop slapping hours to gain a stall on the Big City Centre Market! That’s what we do and we do it 24/7 every day of every year. Are you in yet?