Tragedy launches innovative holiday opportunities for the disabled

With many INsiders we hear stories of tragedy turned into amazing companies. Spotting flaws in an industry and rewriting how things are done. Disrupting professions and bringing innovation and creative solutions to make things better for stakeholders, investors, end users, employees, communities, and the business owner with a dream.

Julia Wingfield is no exception.

Tragically Julia lost her idyllic life riding motorcycles and horses in the countryside when she was paralysed in her teens.

A prosperous life, madly in love it all fell apart as her father looked over her and uttered the devasting words that have been a driving force ever since “you got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out of it.”

Julia has been no stranger to adversity, her marriage failed, ICU, Sepsis, Rehab, surgery after surgery including a stoma, Julia planned her own suicide but learnt the priceless lesson that you are stronger than you think you are.

With that tenacity and determination, Julia launched Vegilove bringing her passion for good food and events that inspire to Essex. Sold out events that inspired a successful catering business Julia never stopped considering the others who had suffered the same life-changing experience as her. Julia is an advocate for the National Spinal Injuries Unit and recently spoke at the Frenkel Topping national conference on how life-changing their work is for those who suffer terrible accidents, even those who are uninsured.

Inspiring the audience with her story Julia has been empowered to move forward with an ambitious project to launch a unique holiday experience.

Few can appreciate the impossibilities of holidaying with disabilities and it’s not just the visible disabilities that prevent holidays and travel. Those that are neurodivergent can find the whole experience too challenging, removing the opportunity for holiday for family and friends as the journey alone takes away the potential for the joy and happy memories.

“My son is neurodivergent, and I can appreciate how the world looks to him. I wanted to create a holiday experience that would be accessible to me and to him. His needs are different to mine but I know there’s a way to achieve this.”

Julia went on to tell us how travelling as a paraplegic is never easy. A car load of equipment before the swimming costume and suntan lotion even goes in, and that’s before you consider how many properties are totally unsuitable for her needs. Rarely are these considerations in place and without the eyes of a person that lives a disabled life can an Airbnb, Hotel or holiday let appreciate the gaps to accessibility that exist.

However, Julia knows first hand how this can be better.

With a healthy budget, and an understanding of what obstacles exist to herself and her son, Julia has an ambitious but well-planned out business model to launch a holiday like no other. Starting in France Julia is now looking for the perfect renovation to create the holiday home that’s perfect for every disability, making holidays truly inclusive.

Julia told INsiders about her wish list;

  1. We’ve nearly the budget we need however we need one more drive to make every wish for this property a reality.
  2. We are open to suggestions of properties in France. Preferably within 4 hours of the Northern ports.
  3. We are open to recommendations of developers, builders etc as we believe in working with local people and supporting as many as we can. It’s always been my ethos and ensured my success in every role I’ve undertaken.

Julia went on to tell us the next steps to this amazing new business. We Care Home and Away has launched and to celebrate the next stages, Julia is taking on another big challenge – well small in comparison to her life to date!

Julia told us “I’m petrified of water and can’t swim, but wanted to challenge myself as I know disabled holiday makers will be by embarking on a new holiday experience so I’m learning to sail. That’s not enough for me, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to raise money for We Care Home and Away and our first French property.”

This September/October will see Julia sail single-handed round Grafham Water in a Challenger sailing boat to raise the shortfall required to launch We Care Home and Away’s first property.

It’s not enough for Julia to raise money to make this business a reality and a holiday hope for many, Julia is also raising funds for;

Frenkel Topping Charitable Foundation – the charitable arm that made her life so much better. Click here to learn more.

Alzheimers Association who supported her father through his tough times. Click here to learn more.

Sailability who have been the driving force and helped override the fear to get in a boat in the first place!

Julia said “I hope my inspiring story, and passion for making a difference will inspire people to come forward and support my scary challenge. We are looking for 100 high worth individuals, Businesses, Personal Injury Lawyers and Case Managers to donate £1000 each.”

If making a business a reality is not enough to inspire you Julia also launched S.W.A.N.S (Sometimes we all need support) in 1994 and has helped many in the process. Meeting the queen to celebrate her work for others, a successful publican and one of the UK’s only parapelgic chef’s few inspire like Julia!

And just to make it truly memorable Julia has said that everyone that donates £1000 will get their name displayed on her drysuit. Can you get better social media marketing and PR than that for your business?

As Julia added “To make this a reality I need to ensure I’m at the helm of this business however I have the support of many including Frenkl Topping, The INsiders and Mandie Holgate and the team at Stoke Mandeville, I need help setting up a crowdfund, I’m not a charity I’m a limited company. And together I know this can be a reality.”

With that determination and track record we look forward to sharing the next stage of Julias story, watch this space.

Not got £1000?

  1. Share this article.
  2. Share posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram related to Julias endevaours.
  3. Send an email to a few choice business friends and colleauges – with INsiders support any charitable work you undertake we can help make it a great addition to your marketing this autumn and deliver a lasting benefit to your brand and reptaution too and think of the CSR!

And we know with Julia Wingfield at the helm of this boat and this unique brilliant business the journey will be a good one!

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