Bounceability – Resilience training for leaders, teams and business owners


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Of all the skills you need in business, honing this one is the skill that could see you overcome any obstacle. Innovate when others quit. Communicate with power to empower and inspire and make business better.

Helping you and your team think clearly, be productive, reducing stress and achieving no matter what.

The pandemic has attacked every part of what it means to be human.. A WHO study showed that the pandemic has disrupted or stopped critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide while the demand for support increases.

Now with the cost of living, energy prices, worrying leadership and wars, it’s no surprise we find ourselves needing to boost our emotional intelligence.

Whatever the future holds we need to be able to fill our heads with the positive ideas, strategies and beliefs to support us (not the endless bad news and devastation that stands to monopolise our lives)

Did you know that mental health costs the world economy $1 trillion each year in lost productivity Think how that impacts on business and success!

This course covers;

  1. Spot the signs of struggling.
  2. How to establish fact from perception.
  3. How to stop what you are doing and improve outcomes and actions.
  4. How to challenge thinking and why it’s important to do.
  5. How to accept, honour and like who you are and why this matters.
  6. Understanding what your natural style is and how that impacts on others.
  7. How to migrate internal and personal skills and traits.
  8. How your brain alters results and how to overcome this issue.
  9. Communication laws and their power.
  10. Boundaries and expectations – how even the shy can get what they want and need.
  11. Voice in your head – a voice for good or evil?
  12. Assumptions and how they impact on you, your team and  your business.
  13. Values – personal, professional and how they alter and impact on resilience.
  14. How, why and when to relinquish control.
  15. Confidence – the big difference between internal and external confidence and how to utilise this.
  16. Philosophy in business – truly powerfully strategies for team, business and leader.
  17. How to put it all into action, setting easily achieved goals. Action plans and deliverable outcomes.