a small price to make big change Businesses , Leaders and teams*

Open to all men & women; Charities. Professionals. Leaders and teams.

24 hours a day we work hard to make business, leadership and productivity better;

  • We increase profits.
  • We grow teams – confidence, productivity and profitability
  • We create collab – that work.
  • We grow leaders!
  • We get you in the press – for free.
  • We make you more confident.
  • And you go for bigger and better things!

It’s a bold claim isn’t it?

Business owners will tell you that £25 achieves a lot. Whether your business has a turn over of £20,000 or £8,000,000. We know how to grow you, your business and your team!

  • Able to learn from proven experts after trying expensive programmes and “experts” who promised the world but delivered very little. The Insiders has a huge return on your investment.
  • Confidential place to talk business and learn new skills.
  • Helped us make a big decision that led to the growth of the business and taking on new staff. 
  • Confidential place to learn how to be a leader.
  • Increased profit and understand marketing and it’s impact on our business.
  • Discussed ideas and realised that would fail and how to mitigate the risk to create high growth products.
  • Collaborate with other businesses and organisations. Maximise on profit, minimise on marketing!
  • Networking and gaining new business.
  • Learn about new trends and how to use them in our own growth.
  • Confidential advice, support, mentoring and coaching from our Founder Mandie Holgate
  • 50% discounts on Mandie’s courses. Click here to see the courses.
  • FREE virtual coaching and networking sessions – join as often as you like.
  • A safe space to off load and get the support you need.

Got a team?

Want more than one person to join from your company?

We offer discounts for subscriptions for you and your team.

Email us to learn more. We can train your team 24/7 for £1.66 a day!

Insider’s Benefits

As an Insider you get all these great benefits for you and your business:

  1. £3950+ a year in affiliate discounts on things you and your business need.
  2. Confidential Mastermind group. No selling at you, high quality advice and ideas. A place to grow your business and ask anything.
  3. Train your staff at incredibly low prices.
  4. Exclusive events from global experts and affiliates. 
  5. Webinars on personal and professional development, business trends, training and advice
  6. FREE planners, worksheets, articles, guides and reports to help you and your business – marketing, legal, confidence, mindset, data protection, HR, outsourcing, coaching, mentoring, time management – it’s extensive!
  7. Free networking, mentoring and coaching sessions.
  8. Exclusive training days and heavily discounted rates.
  9. 50% Discount on Founder Mandie Holgate’s courses that boost profits, sales and confidence. Learn more here.
  10. Free promotion on our website.
  11. Published on our blog for free (paid service £75 per article)
  12. Monthly competitions to win 1 of 12 courses on business, mindset and communication. Value £195 to £2950.
  13. We can even train your staff for you! Don’t pay for 2 to 200 additional subscriptions. Email us to discuss a discounted rate for multiple subscriptions. It’s a very low cost way of training your staff and freeing up your time.

“I’ve just had my best trading year ever and I put it down to the Insiders and Mandie’s courses, thank you!”

“Learning the difference between boss and leader has been a game changer with Mandie and Insiders.”

“I know it sounds too good to be true but the Blogging for business course led to a 3100% increase in our database!”

“It’s a hive mind for my business.”

“The Insiders is my business family, it may sound corny but I make more money as a result of my time with them.”

“It’s no nonsense, real time answers to business solutions.”

I didn’t think an online community could have such an impact on my business, thankyou!”

“It’s the best £25 I’ve ever spent on my business!”

“Thank you Insiders, it’s worth it’s weight in gold!”

“Running your own business can be lonely. With the Insiders I know I can tap into the support, advice and understanding I need 24/7. Priceless in my view.”


  • 2 new customers within 3 days of joining!
  • Get you known as a thought leader in your industry (this has already led to virtual and real meetings and business!)
  • Access genuine discounts on products and services that you actually need in business and life to help you achieve more.
  • Access freebies from our Affiliates.
  • Access free live webinars from Mandie Holgate and our Affiliates covering areas of business and success where you set the agenda.
  • Post your questions and get personalised answers to grow your business from the Insiders and Affiliates.
  • Discuss your needs and get answers.
  • Research ideas in our private secret mastermind group. Business women have overhauled their websites, follow up strategy and exhibition activity increasing sales, with The Insiders support already!
  • Learn from our international writers and business experts – great articles, guides and top tips for our BWN Insiders 
  • We are very good at teaching you skills. Like how to feature in the press for free and how to overcome that public speaking fear!


  • Went from £5 sales to £995 sales – every month within 5 months.
  • Won multiple awards and featured in the press. (Never done this before!)
  • Featured in an international blog with the first article an INsider researched and wrote with our help – they’d never had the confidence to go for it.
  • Hosting sold events every month thanks to Insiders advice.
  • Gave someone the confidence to quit their part time job and go for it in their own business.
  • Enabled a business owner to step up and get new premises enabling the company to grow.
  • Helped numerous Insiders go on to deliver first class webinars and presentations at networking events and other business events. (And gain new business!)
  • Helped a business owner sell out her first course – now selling every month.
  • Helped a business owner achieve higher sales at an exhibition.
  • Change their follow-up strategy that led to 3 leads and 2 sales in 3 days.
  • Got someone so confident in their writing that they’ve produced 9 paid eBooks in 6 months!
  • Helped a business owner decide on whether to go for a £BIG investment for their business. They did, it’s paid off!
  • Improved website to increase sales.
  • Helped people become more confident and capable public speakers. This has had a massive knock on impact to the business.
  • Helped people produce their first press releases and feature in the press regurlary.
  • Challenge limited beliefs about what customers want.
  • Go for big contracts, scary meetings and get the contract!
  • (And that is just some of what we have done. This is a confidential business focused group where we respect your need to learn, get support, review and test ideas, so we won’t share anything that is not pre-approved by you!) This really is a no motivational posters, no salesy, no events genuine place to grow your business!

Get Exceptional Discounts from our Affiliates

Join INsiders and you can access offers and discounts to help you grow your business, access the private mastermind and networking community 24/7 and get your brand well known and respected. This really is a very exclusive opportunity!

Jenny Sjollema – Pängels – PA, admin, sales, and marketing support for small and medium businesses, helping you to get control of your business.

Adavista – Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Special BWN Insiders GDPR Compliance packages for less than £300!

Nexus Design and Print – Discount on printing from Page Creative

Write Wai PR & Copywriting Services – Discounts on PR & Copywriting

IPC Solutions – Hardware repairs  and Computer Store with exclusive Insiders offers.

Mandie Holgate 50% Discount on online courses; Blogging for Business, Learn your niches & get them buying, rocket your confidence, sales and marketing, sell in 60 seconds (elevator pitches), How to be a micro influencer to boost profits, how to be a powerful public speaker and communicator, the foundations to a successful business (that many miss!), How to structure, write and sell a book, Resilience at work. 10% discount on coaching.

Rob Sayles Your Blueprint for attracting, engaging, and selling to ideal audiences online with Digital and Social Media Strategy, Market Research, Audience Profiling, Sales Funnels Strategy & Ad Campaigns, Social Media & Digital Training


  • I’m a business man, can I join?
  • I don’t own the business can I join?
  • “Can I  attend and pay for one event to start off and see if I like it?
  • Is there block outs?

Click here for the answers


  • Get you known as a thought leader in your industry (this has already led to virtual and real meetings and business!)
  • Access genuine discounts on products and services that you actually need in business and life to help you achieve more.
  • Access freebies from our Affiliates.
  • Access free live webinars from Mandie Holgate and our Affiliates covering areas of business and success where you set the agenda.
  • Post your questions and get personalised answers to grow your business from the Insiders and Affiliates.
  • Discuss your needs and get answers.
  • Research ideas in our private secret mastermind group. Business women have overhauled their websites, follow up strategy and exhibition activity increasing sales, with The Insiders support already!
  • Learn from our international writers and business experts – great articles, guides and top tips for our BWN Insiders 

15 years of award-winning support for you and your business…


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Sponsorship fee – £250 for 2024
Insider rate £150 for 2024
Includes writing for our blog, sponsored banner and links!

We are named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs.
And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses (As featured in The Guardian).

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