Staff, Leaders, Business Owners, Charities

Training, Coaching and Mentoring to train, educate and empower you, your staff and business success.

We host webinars for members and never delete content from our experts

Below is just some of training we’ve hosted recently.

To watch again use the magnifying glass on the confidential mastermind group to locate and watch. FREE to all INsiders.

Instant access training available

  • Collaboration – things to consider and risks.
  • How to handle difficult conversations with customers, staff and stakeholders.
  • Top 100 AI tools and training – considerations, risks and opportunities from top UK Agency Rob Sayles.
  • How to go live. How to excel and utilise this medium for fast results.
  • Increasing touch points for a sale.
  • How to cope when tough things happen.
  • How to compress an image.
  • How to get in the press for free – considerations and risks.
  • Facebook ads by affiliate Karen Rhodes.
  • Who to partner with for business growth and what to consider in advance.
  • Networking skills – do not just rock up and hope for the best!
  • Unconscious bias and communication skills – impacting on sales and leadership.
  • NLP and communication skills.
  • Dealing with stress and overwhelm.
  • How to get visual in your business (even if you are an introvert!)
  • How to look good in virtual events from affiliate John Bentley Photography.
  • Market Research.
  • Planning stage of writing for business. Content writing.
  • Unlocking optimal health – what your doctor may miss. Health impacting on business.
  • Fear and going big – the mindset (and skillset) you need.
  • LinkedIn Tips to make your profile sell.
  • Hiding and not going live. How to get over yourself.
  • Seizing opportunities – what you need to start noticing.

What really stands in your way?

To access look on INsiders at the date of 10th January 11am – Click here to learn more. Coaching and Business Strategy for 2024. What really stands in your way.

This has been very popular with bosses and teams as they explore what areas to concentrate on in mindset and skillset to benefit the company and team.

how to get paid speaking gigs for small businesses from mandie holgate

How to get paid speaking gigs.

23 minutes and 32 seconds you don’t want to miss where Mandie Holgate explains how to get paid speaking gigs and what they do for your business.

Why paying to speak undermines your status as an expert and damages of getting paid to speak.

Even includes how to automate that funnel to get more speaking gigs!

How to Sell To Big Retailers.

Learn what stops your business from standing out to stores like Waitrose and Fenwick. Learn what makes Sainsburys say no before they’v even experienced your product! This is an exclusive event with “Oil Baron”Famer Tim Fussell who took an unloved product and turned into a house hold name! Learn more and book here. INsiders can watch any time after the 17th May 2024.

Planners and Courses

Remember you also get 50% off of these courses;

Blogging for business success – Increase sales, opportunities, and SEO rankings and more. How to create a blog that inspires, leads and sells – and could even get you a book deal! Insiders rave about this one!

Mandie’s Marketing Production Line – how to rocket sales, business growth and opportunities. Tangible results within weeks. No big budget required.

Book idea to best seller – Everything a best selling author (who was head hunted!) knows about self publishing and being asked to write a best seller that makes money year on year, in one course.

Bounceability – resilience training for leaders, employees and business owners. How to be ready for anything and overcome adversity. Proven strategies and techniques to improve emotional intelligence, health and productivity.

1 year marketing planner – everything you need to create a 1 year marketing plan for yourself, your business and your team. What to say, why, how; you won’t run out of content for a whole year!

How to rocket your confidence – Proven tools to boost your confidence in 2 days. They work fast to create internal confidence so you never slip back!

Target audiences – who are they, why you need to know and how to get them buying.

How to sell in 60 seconds – Elevator pitch success – anywhere! You need to deliver first class elevator pitches that connect and sell. Positively impacting on your marketing success.

Influencer marketing  – what that really means, and how to be a micro influencer that gains new business, free PR and new paid opportunities.

How to quit the day job – Pre start up, start up and established businesses need these strategies! Includes the 13 page business plan that established business owners rave about!

Public speaking excellence – how to be a compelling public speaker and communicator even if you hate it. Mind set, Skill set, confidence and strategies to excel in any speaking engagement. This courses strategies helped Insiders make over £3,000,000 in 1 year!

Foundations to a successful business – how to be highly focused, motivated and accountable and grow your business.

Learn more here.

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Please note when booking our events that entering the event you are aware that we do take photos and short videos to enable us to further promote you and raise your brand awareness. If you wish to not be included could you advise us prior to the event and we will ensure you are not filmed or photographed. How you wish to do business, matters to us. 

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Insider rate £150 for 2024
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We are named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs.
And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses (As featured in The Guardian).

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