Important information about BWN

Mandie Holgate is an author, coach, trainer, public speaker and also co-ordinates the Business Womans Network.  The contact address is 50 Empress Avenue, West Mersea, Colchester, Essex CO5 8EX.  In her businesses, Mandie may process “personal data”and/or “special category data” (as defined in UK data protection legislation) as part of the contracted services and/or in the administration supporting these contracted services. The security of all data is important as a business and all feasible security measures are in place.  Data are not knowingly transferred outside the European Economic Area.  Data are held as long as they remain relevant to the purpose for collection.  Once no longer required, (whether on paper or electronic format), data are deleted by secure means.

Data may be shared with third parties as part of the contracted services and/or if required by UK law.  Mandie  cannot accept any liability for any processing conducted by a third party outside the business remit.

None of the above affects your rights under the legislation, in particular your right to access the data we hold on you.  If you wish to request a copy of your data, please submit it in writing/email to the business.    Please include enough information to enable us to identify you and search for appropriate data.

If you are dissatisfied with this policy, have queries about our data protection procedures or wish to lodge a complaint, please contact the company in the first instance.  Thereafter you have the right to submit a complaint to the Supervisory Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane

Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF

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